The Citadel National Construction Group is excited to announce the new organization to join the group from California, Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd.
Jeff Cali, a Krusinski Construction project superintendent, recently participated in an annual fundraising telethon for the Association for Individual Development (AID) in Aurora, Ill. To date, the event has generated more than $89,000 for AID, which helps those who have developmental, physical and mental disabilities. The Elgin Junior Service Board, which partners with AID, also participated in the telethon.
IMC is proud to announce we have been named‘s Top Workplace Award. Based solely on an employee survey, this award highlights the positive, empowerment-focused culture valued by the firm’s employees each day they step into the office or jobsite, as well as the benefits that help cultivate a healthy quality of life.
IMC is pleased to announce the recent groundbreaking of the Vertical Screen new World Headquarters in Warminster, PA. The Vertical Screen project redevelops a former Brownfield site once occupied by the Naval Air Warfare Center. The building incorporates numerous green technologies to achieve the LEED certification goal of Platinum.
To achieve LEED Platinum several Sustainability Features include:
• Closed-loop geothermal water source heat pump
• Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) system heats and cools from the ground up
• Rainwater harvesting system with 50,000 gallon underground storage tank that will be used to flush low-flow toilets, irrigate interior green walls and site landscaping
• Building-integrated photovoltaic system that will supply 100-450 KW of electricity through the use of a high-efficiency solar array
• Groundwater infiltration system promotes groundwater recharge through use of rain gardens and flat-bottom infiltration basins
Project Team
Owner: Vertical Screen Inc. &
Petaluma Partners I
Owner’s Consultant:Dan Bleznak
Construction Manager: IMC Construction
Architect: Erdy McHenry Architecture
MEPFP Engineers:Alderson Engineering
Civil Engineers: Bohler Engineering
Structural Engineers: Harmon Associates
LEED Consultant: Re:Vision Architecture
Commissioning Agent: Bala Consulting Engineers
At Saunders, we exist not just to make money, but to make the world a better place. We need to matter. We no longer live in a world where there is a single bottom line. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expands the definition of the traditional bottom line—the money we make—to include people and the environment. Saunders is developing a CSR Report that takes this triple bottom line and weaves it together to form not only a stronger bottom line, but also a stronger organization and a better world.
As we envision the Saunders of the future, here’s what we see:
As an organization, we will always have a responsibility to be financially sound, prudent and ethical in our business practices in order to insure long-term sustainability. Into the future this will be done as we pursue entrepreneurial opportunities, maintain our focus upon being customer-centric, learn to adapt to our changing world—and as always, work hard.
This is about people. We need to continue to challenge ourselves to do more, be more effective in how we help, and encourage others to do the same—both as a company and as individuals.
Let’s face it: people in the construction industry aren’t known for their environmental sensitivity. At Saunders, many of our people have pursued LEED accreditation which has given us the ability to help our customers have less of a negative environmental impact. How we build has a direct impact upon the greater environment, and our awareness of this will continue to grow in the future.
Many organizations publish CSR reports on websites that show their annual progress toward CSR goals and explain in detail what is being done to promote sustainable business practices. By the year 2011, Saunders Construction will not only have CSR goals, but will also begin to post an annual report for all to see. We’re positioned to lead our industry in implementing CSR—especially in the area of greater environmental awareness. read full article [PDF]»
Rogers-O’Brien wins General Contractor of the Year at QUOIN’s annual Summit Awards. read full article [PDF]»
The Central Penn Business Journal has named IMC as a Best Place to Work in PA for a medium sized company. Factors that were taken into consideration included employee benfits, company policies, and an employee survey. The awards program, created in 2000 to recognize the best places to work in PA, is one of the first of its kind in the country offered by a state. The program is a public/private partnership of Team Pennsylvania Foundation, the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, and the Central Penn Business Journal.
This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Pennsylvania, benefiting the state’s economy, its workforce and businesses.