Dick Saunders got us off on the right foot in 1972 when he decided to put owner interests first. Given enough time and money, he said, anybody can build a building. The question is, how much can we do for them given a set budget and deadline? Today, Saunders is one of the region’s largest general contractors, a skilled hands-on builder with on the largest field forces in the Rocky Mountain Region and innovative services that give finished projects more utility and value for owners and users alike.
From well-known office, municipal, education, research and technology, healthcare, industrial, residential and recreation facilities, to major retail centers, we bring the value, reliability and integrity that comes with a company based upon a proud tradition of excellence and a dedication. We strive to provide the highest level of service to ensure all your expectations are met. Saunders is recognized for commitment and focus that help turn ideas into projects and projects into landmarks. We have been privileged to work on some of the most recognized facilities in our region.
For more information, please visit http://www.saundersinc.com/